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In ensuring a good crop, how you apply crop protection products is just as important as what you apply, and when you apply it. 

Dr Annabella Baloyi, technical product lead from Syngenta, gives in the latest episode of African Farming (Honey, channel 173, Tuesdays at 17:00) advice on why it is important to apply crop protection correctly, and which factors must be considered when applying these products.

“There are many factors farmers must consider when trying to effectively control pests and diseases that they come across in their fields. The first thing they need to consider is the volume of the water they use, nozzle selection, and the conditions in which they are spraying. Wind is a factor that can really impact how the product is received in the ground.”

Stay safe

When applying crop protection, there are few things in terms of safe and efficient product usage that a farmer should always keep in mind. He needs be careful when working with these types of chemicals. Understanding the product’s label is also important, and the farmer needs to wear personal protective equipment. 

“Wear your goggles, put on your mask and your boots, so that you know you are protected,” Annabella warns. “Don’t eat, smoke or drink while applying the product. When you have to take your lunch break, thoroughly wash your hands and face. Take off the protective clothes, and then only go ahead and have your lunch.”


Syngenta has a new phone application called Spray Assist, that helps growers when spraying their crops with crop protection.

“It’s quite an exciting app. It will help the farmer understand exactly how to spray the product, for example by using calibration assistance. It considers the weather conditions at the time of spraying. So, knowing what crop they are going to spray, the app helps the farmer select the correct nozzle, speed of the tractors, and also the water volume,” explains Annabella.

The Spray Assist app is available in different languages and is easy and quick to download. “Everyone should have it when working on a farm,” she says.

For more information, visit

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