Johannesburg – In the heart of South Africa’s bustling industrial landscape, a young woman named Tsholofelo Choma is defying expectations and shattering glass ceilings. Her journey, from a skilled machinist to a vital cog in SKF South Africa’s safety management system, is a testament to the power of perseverance, ambition, and the company’s unwavering commitment to employee growth.
Tsholofelo’s entry into the male-dominated world of engineering was no easy feat. She emerged as the sole female apprentice in her tool die, jig and mould maker program, a demanding trade that requires meticulous precision and unwavering dedication. Against all odds, she not only passed the gruelling trade test but did so with flying colours, achieving this milestone on her first attempt alongside just six other apprentices out of a cohort of 30.
This remarkable achievement, however, is more than just a personal victory. It symbolizes Tsholofelo’s resilience and her unwavering determination to succeed in a field traditionally dominated by men.
More Than Just a Paycheck
For Tsholofelo, SKF is more than just a place of employment; it’s a nurturing ground for growth and innovation. “It’s an environment that fosters a sense of belonging and provides endless opportunities for personal and professional development,” she asserts.
Her journey within the company exemplifies this ethos. Starting as a CNC operator in the Machined Seals department in 2022, she quickly demonstrated a proactive and results-oriented approach. While excelling in her role, she actively sought opportunities to contribute beyond her immediate responsibilities, participating in audits, streamlining processes, and taking ownership of key aspects of the business.
This proactive spirit did not go unnoticed. Recognizing her potential and dedication, SKF offered her a pivotal role in the SHEQ (Safety, Health, Environment, and Quality) department as a QEHS Officer.
A Passion for Safety and Well-being
Tsholofelo’s transition to the SHEQ department reflects her deep-seated passion for creating a safe and inclusive workplace. “I realized I could make a more significant impact by addressing workplace issues like ergonomics and hygiene, which directly impact employee well-being and overall organizational efficiency,” she explains.
Driven by a genuine desire to create a supportive and protective environment for her colleagues, Tsholofelo is already making significant strides in her new role. Her responsibilities encompass a wide range of critical tasks, including compiling safety packs, conducting comprehensive audits, and overseeing key aspects of the company’s safety management system.
A Commitment to Lifelong Learning
Tsholofelo’s success is inextricably linked to her unwavering commitment to lifelong learning. She actively pursues training programs and mentorship opportunities, constantly seeking to expand her knowledge and enhance her skills. “I believe that continuous learning is essential for personal and professional growth,” she emphasizes. “It not only expands your knowledge base but also empowers you to uplift and support those around you.”
Breaking Barriers and Inspiring Others
Tsholofelo’s journey serves as an inspiration to aspiring engineers, particularly young women, who may be considering careers in traditionally male-dominated fields. She actively participates in mentorship programs, sharing her experiences and encouraging others to pursue their dreams, regardless of the challenges they may face.
A Bright Future Ahead
Tsholofelo Choma’s story exemplifies the transformative power of determination, opportunity, and a supportive environment. As SKF continues its journey towards creating innovative and sustainable solutions for a better tomorrow, it is employees like Tsholofelo who embody the company’s values and drive its success. Her journey serves as a powerful reminder that with courage, curiosity, and a relentless pursuit of excellence, the possibilities are truly limitless.